Vereinigung Schweizerischer Hilfswerke für das Ausland c: Switzerland s: associations & federations d: Eugen and Max Lenz y:
Helmut Fischer c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / trading & retail d: Helmut Kurtz y:
Neville & Cie. c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / trading & retail d: Walter Herdeg y:
Basler Kulturgemeinschaft c: Switzerland s: associations & federations / arts, crafts & culture d: Hermann Eidenbenz y:
Schweizerisches Filmarchiv c: Switzerland s: arts, crafts & culture / governmental / services d: Hermann Eidenbenz y:
Hanf- Leinenverkaufsgesellschaft c: Switzerland s: textiles & clothing / production d: Hermann Eidenbenz y:
Bäckerei-Genossenschaft c: Switzerland s: union of bakers's cooperative societies d: Walter Grieder y:
Société Coopérative de Consommation Neuchatel c: Switzerland s: associations & federations d: Willy Wolf y:
Kohlenversorgungs c: Switzerland s: oil, gas & mining / trading & retail / services d: Igildo Biesele y: 1963
O. Haberer c: Switzerland s: building materials / components / engineering & construction / production d: Paul Sollberger y:
Kohlenversorgungs c: Switzerland s: oil, gas & mining / trading & retail / services d: Igildo Biesele y: 1963
Eisengiesserei Emmenbrücke c: Switzerland s: machinery & hardware / production d: Blaise Bron y: 1954
Bron Elektronik c: Switzerland s: components / electronics & computers / production d: Blaise Bron y: 1956
Bernisches Konservatorium für Musik c: Switzerland s: education / services d: Paul Sollberger y: 1954
Benteli AG c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production / printing / services d: Max Caflisch y: 1948
Klein, Schanzlin & Becker c: Germany s: machinery & hardware / production d: Siegfried Odermatt y: 1971
Winkel Verlag c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production d: Adrian Frutiger y: 1979-83
Collection Colibri c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production d: Adrian Frutiger y: 1979-83
Verkehrsbetriebe der Stadt Zürich c: Switzerland s: transportation / services d: Fischer Corso y: 1968
Seetal Papier c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production / printing / services d: Hans Weber y: 1965
Heim und Schule Für Gehör und Sprechgeschädigte Kinder c: Switzerland s: education / services d: Blaise Bron y: 1968
Falken Verlag c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production d: Eugen Lenz / Max Lenz y: 1946
Schwanen Apotheke c: Switzerland s: pharmaceuticals / production / trading & retail / services d: Paul Sollberger y: 1961
Delphin Motor c: Switzerland s: aerospace, automotive & vessels / production d: Eugen Lenz / Max Lenz y: 1956
Marktgass-Passage Apotheke c: Switzerland s: pharmaceuticals / production / trading & retail / services d: Paul Sollberger y: 1964
Dr. C. Christen Apotheker c: Switzerland s: pharmaceuticals / production / trading & retail / services d: Paul Sollberger y: 1962
Bund Akademischer Kleinkaliber-Schützen c: Switzerland s: associations & federations d: Eugen Lenz / Max Lenz y: 1950
Signa Kreidenfabrik c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production d: Hans Hartmann y: 1954
Vereiningung Zentrum Witikon c: Switzerland s: trading & retail / services d: Ernst Hiestand / Ursula Hienstand y: 1969
Verband Schweiz. Reform und Diätfachgeschäfte c: Switzerland s: associations & federations / food & beverages d: Walter J. Diethelm y: 1971
Carawanes Waibel c: Switzerland s: aerospace, automotive & vessels / production d: Hans Knöpfli y: 1969
Landwirtschaftlicher Informationsdeinst c: Switzerland s: other services / services d: Hans Knöpfli y: 1963
Confiserie Meyer c: Switzerland s: food & beverages / production / tourism & hospitality / services d: Hans Knöpfli y: 1963
Helvetia-Kühlerfabrik Paul Käsermann c: Switzerland s: electronics & computers / production d: Hans Knöpfli y: 1962
Hallwag Druck und Verlag c: Switzerland s: printing / paper, publishing & stationery / services d: Paul Sollberger y: 1959
Hunziker Transporte c: Switzerland s: shipping & postal services / services d: Hansruedi Scheller y: 1957
Verkehrsverein Grindelwald c: Switzerland s: tourism & hospitality / services d: Hans Hartmann y: 1969
Schweizerischer Obstverband c: Switzerland s: associations & federations / certification d: Hans Hartmann y: 1952
Schweizerische Mobiliar Versicherung c: Switzerland s: finance & consultancy / services d: Hans Hartmann y: 1960
Schweizerische Television c: Switzerland s: broadcasting / services d: Josef Müller-Brockmann y: 1959
Konservative-Christlichsoziale Volkspartie c: Switzerland s: political organizations d: Robert Geisser y: 1966
Werbeagentur Dr. Marion und Walter Diethelm c: Switzerland s: advertising & pr / architecture & design / services d: Walter Diethelm y: 1964
Bech Electronic Centre c: Switzerland s: electric appliances & equipment / electronics & computers / production d: Karl Gerstner y: 1959
Kupferschmied Papiere en Gros c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production d: Rosmarie Tissi y: unknown
E.H.Schelling c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production d: Siegfried Odermatt y: 1960
Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen (SBB) c: Switzerland s: transportation / services d: Josef Müller-Brockmann / Peter Spalinger y: 1978
International Design Centre Berlin c: Germany s: architecture & design / services d: Pierre Mendell y: 1986
Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde c: Switzerland s: religious institutions d: Jost Hochuli y: 1965
Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen St. Gallen c: Switzerland s: museums & monuments / services d: Jost Hochuli y: 1976
Rencontre Internationale du Jeune Talent c: competition for students of international fashion college s: events d: Jost Hochuli y: 1982
Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Oerlikon Bührle & Co c: Switzerland s: machinery & hardware d: Paul Aschwanden y:
Schweizerischer Bankverein c: Switzerland s: finance & consultancy / services d: Honegger & Lavater y: 1981
Lieferantengemeinschaft der Papeteriebranche c: Switzerland s: trading & retail / services d: Eugen Lenz / Max Lenz y: 1954
Evangelischer Verband Frauenhilfe c: Switzerland s: religious institutions d: Helmuth Kurtz y: unknown
Kreis Decky Dächer c: Switzerland s: engineering & construction / services d: Hansruedi Scheller y: 1961
Artemis c: Switzerland s: paper, publishing & stationery / production d: Gottfried Honegger y: unknown
Hans Neuburg c: Switzerland s: architecture & design / personal signs / services d: Hans Neuburg y: 1946
Post Telephone and Telegraph (PTT) c: Switzerland s: shipping & postal / telecommunications / services d: Adrian Frutiger y: 1998
Post Telephone and Telegraph (PTT) c: Switzerland s: shipping & postal services / telecommunications / services d: Adrian Frutiger y: 1982
Ringier c: Switzerland s: printing / paper, publishing & stationery / production / services d: Karl Gerstner y: 1980s
Ringier c: Switzerland s: printing / paper, publishing & stationery / production / services d: Karl Gerstner y: 2000